about me
As time passes, I realize that this path was chosen long before I knew what it truly meant. What I have come to understand is that I am here to speak truth, help awaken myself and others, envision a different way of life for our planet, and return to sacred ways of living.
The role of my ancestors is paramount to my work. The pain that comes from colonial violence as experienced by my ancestors has been a major driving force for me in my work. Maya’s Angelous word strike me poignantly:
“Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope…
I rise
I rise
I rise
Despite intergenerational traumas, I strongly feel and believe in the joy and wholesomeness of those who have come before me, who have poured and continue to pour into me a strong sense of self, vision, love and so much more. It is for their strong connection to me and belief in me that I do this work.
In addition to my ancestors, I deeply care and love planet earth. As such, it is my hope and goal that through awakening our consciousness, we can take better care of this planet. I am here to encourage a new way of life that honors, respects and recognizes all beings known and unknown and to help heal deep seated wounds of separation from ourselves, each other and our planet.
Formal Training and Education
Amateur Professional Dancer with Companía Bajo Luz
Awakening Series with Zenen Torres in Cancún México
Bachelors of Science and Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine
Continued Mentorship with Dr. Khalid Shakoor on the intersects of Energetics, Race, Black and African Culture
Acupuncturist at Serasana Katy
Acupuncturist at Cherry Blossom Healing Arts
Level 1 Heart- Mind School with Annie Bond
NCAAOM Board certified(Dipl. O.M)
D.C licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Herbalist
Virginia licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Herbalist
My Spirit Family and Ancestors